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Bank of time
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Libera il tempo
( Set free the time )

Promoter corporation:Bra Commune
Period: 2003/2004

The project, finished at the end of May, was proposed to constitute in Bra, town in Cuneo province, a so called “Banca del tempo” ( Bank of the Time) which could answer to the needs of the citizens, but contextually it could also, repurposed and moved in other realities, creating a multiplying process in Cuneo Province, where the active banks of the time are, at today, still very little.

After a close activity of analysis of the territory, and an action of accompanying in the organization of Bank of time with training and information, the bank of the time has been thrown on the territory in the course of a work seminary which has seen the participation of representatives of associations of voluntary service and local administration and representatives from banks of the time and it is operative from the beginning of June.
To have more information send an e-mail to info@sinergie.net

Funded by European Social Funds – Asse E

La banca del tempo a misura del cittadino
( The bank of the time to measure of the citizen )

Promoter corpopration: Candelo commune
Period : 2003/2004

The project, concluded it in April 2004, leaving from a analysis of the necessities of the citizens, would like to create a new model of bank of the time which could increase the value of the contribution of all the present corporations and the associations, supporting the reciprocal cooperation and the constant dialogue with the territorial reality which they are inserted in, to answer the necessities of the Citizens.
After a deep analysis of territory through tools and questionnaires carried to the citizen and shared meeting in which everyone reflected about the problem, the model was presented during a convention in Candelo with all the actors of the project (voluntary, local administration and “bank of time”.)
To have more information you can send an e-mail to info@sinergie.net

Funded by European Social Funds – Asse E



Sinergie S.r.l. - Via Vespucci, 30 - 10129 Torino - 

Tel +39 011.581.83.44

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