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Reinforce Rescuers' Resilience by Empowering a well-being Dimension
Stichting Impact,
Landelijk kennis & adviescentrum voor psychosociale zorg na rampen
Impact, Dutch knowledge & advice centre for post-disaster psychosocial
care is established in 2002 by the Dutch Ministries of Health Welfare
and Sports, Defence and Interior Affairs & Kingdom Relations.
Impact aims to promote high-quality and effectively organised post-disaster
care. Impact’s responsibilities include gathering experience
and scientific knowledge and making it available and understandable
for diverse target groups and to promote cooperation between interested
parties. In less than 4 years Impact has become an organisation with
a strong vision on psychosocial care after disasters, a professional
international online database with relevant scientific publications,
protocols, public information and experts in the field of psychosocial
care and has constructed a relevant network on local, European and
international level. Organisational structure: Name: Ms. Magda W.
Rooze, MA/MBA in Business Administration and Psychology: Director.
Name: Ms. Ariëlle M. de Ruijter, MA in Pedagogical Sciences:
Senior Policy Advisor Cure & Care, Impact. Ariëlle serves
as an advisor to the field and project leader of several important
projects, e.g. Guidelines for local authorities to implement post-disaster
spiritual care in their contingency plans and the European project:
‘Citizens and Resilience, the balance between awareness and
Name: Mrs. Maaike de Vries, PhD in Medicine: Senior Policy Advisor
Research and Development, Impact. Maaike is project leader of several
important projects, e.g. Guidelines for the local Military Menthal
Health Institute and project leader Early Interventions.
Name: Ms. Josée C.M. Netten, MA in Cultural Anthropology: Policy
Advisor Culture and Trauma, Impact. Josée has extensive experience
with refugees and mental health care in different countries worldwide.
She is specialized in cultural sensitive aspects of post-disaster
psychosocial care. She has published lessons learned on the subject.
Name: Mrs. Liesbeth C. Smeets, PhD in Psychology: Senior Policy Advisor,
Impact. Liesbeth is concentrating on Public Based Interventions for
the European project: 'Citizens and Resilience, the balance between
awareness and fear'.
Impact is assisted by it's Advisory Board, consisting of 11 members.
Seated in the board are a professor of Psychiatry in the University
of Amsterdam and President of the European Society for Traumatic Stress
Studies (ESTSS), a professor of Psychotraumatology in the University
of Utrecht and a professor of Child and Media in the University of
Amsterdam. Organisations represented by their Directors are The National
Institute for Public Health and Environment, the Area Health Authorities
of Twente, Amsterdam, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland and IJssel-Vecht, the
Regional Institute for Mental Welfare of Zwolle, the Department of
Individual Care of the Royal Army and the Psychotraumacenter for Children
and Youth.
