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Project Management

Sinergie’s planning activity is not restricted to the project engineering. Actually, our expertise developed in the field make us notice, over the time, a need not strictly related to the planning of interventions. It frequently happens that complex structures want to accomplish system actions in partnership with other realities, usually by subordinating the accomplishment of the interventions to the access to external sources of finance. Such actions, even though they almost always envisage the achievement of strategic goals for the promoting organizations, often risk to not achieve the set results, despite the excellent project engineering job done, due to many factors among which is worth notice:

lack of human resources committed to the project inside the promoting structures;
difficulty in the making and management of the partnership;
lack of coordination;
default of a partnership’s element;
non inexpensiveness of the direct management.
It’s in these cases, all extremely delicate and essential for the accomplishment of the set goals, that Sinergie’s professionalism in the activity of projects coordination takes on an essential role. Actually, the supporting activity to coordination or the direct recruitment of the same by our structure, allow to activate the following factors:

reduction in the amounts of work loading on the organization of the project leader, usually not organized for the management and coordination of such activities;
use of specialized professionalism in this type of project management;
experience in problem solving and in team management, inside activity pools formed by mixed organizations;
experience in reports management referring to complex finance and maximization of the available resources.



Project Engineering

The origin of a partnership



Sinergie S.r.l. - Via Vespucci, 30 - 10129 Torino - 

Tel +39 011.581.83.44